Twitch Gambling Ban

Twitch to Ban Unlicensed and Crypto Gambling Sites from October

Twitch have made a huge statement this week as they take steps to ban sites and channels promoting unlicensed and crypto gambling brands.

Twitch have made a huge statement this week as they take steps to ban sites and channels promoting unlicensed and crypto gambling brands.

Twitch, the leading live streaming platform for gaming, is taking a big step in October. The platform plans to officially ban all livestreams and brands linked to crypto gambling sites and unlicensed online casinos.

Owned by Inc, Twitch will impose this ban on October 18, 2022. This ban comes in response to numerous high-profile streamers speaking out about the issue of irresponsible gambling online. Thousands of Twitch users across America have also voiced concerns.

What’s the Problem?

It is reported that over 50,000 people are watching Twitch personalities play slots, blackjack, roulette and more on their live streams. Many of them are funding their live stream gameplay with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and playing these games on unlicensed or offshore online gambling platforms.

These gambling sites are sponsoring some of Twitch’s biggest celebrities to play their games to an audience. In turn, the streamers are being given access to test accounts with millions of dollars of virtual, fake money. Then, the streamers are gambling all of this ‘money’ away in front of their fans. Not exactly the best ad for responsible gambling!

And this is exactly what Twitch is planning to clamp down on. The promotion of irresponsible gambling in order to protect their users from the dangers of gambling huge sums of money on games which are effectively down to chance.

Which Sites Will Be Banned from Twitch?

Any sites promoting offshore or unlicensed gambling will be banned. This will include huge brands like and You may have seen Drake playing Stake games live on Twitch – well this will no longer be happening from October 18.

Here’s exactly what Twitch said on the subject of online gambling promotion:

Twitch Ban Crypto

Slot Squad’s Take on the News

It is so great to see Twitch taking the stance of prohibiting the streaming of unlicensed casino play. This is a huge boost for the Slot Squad, as we are the first American casino influencer channel to play fully licensed, real money online casino 7 days a week on stream!

The Slot Squad has been a huge advocate of educating the public on the differences between unlicensed casinos and the licensed brands that we play on. You do not see any fake or funded accounts on our streams and our streamers all play and preach responsible gaming at every opportunity.

The future of responsible gambling on Twitch is bright. And we are here for the journey!

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